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Our Service

Get the electronic components and peripherals you need and the results you require.
We keeps you connected to the obsolete parts you need for production or service and repair.
Cost Savings
Our cost-savings program matches you with parts within your specified price range.
Vendor-Managed Inventory
Alleviate the burdens of inventory ownership and boost your operational efficiency with Smith VMI.
Shortage Sourcing
From shutdowns to natural disasters, we’re here to help you through any supply chain disruption.
Custom Solutions
Our customized supply chain solutions optimize your operational processes for maximum efficiency.
Excess Inventory Solutions
Recover value by turning your unused electronic components, peripherals, and equipment into revenue.
Corporate IT Management
Recover value from your unwanted, EOL, or excess IT assets.
OEM Buyback Lease
Help your customer free up their capital for upgrades or new product versions.
Product Lifecycle
Stay ahead of obsolescence challenges and proactively plan for product changes.
Enterprise IT Support
Reap the benefits from unwanted server and datacenter assets during refreshes and upgrades.
Supplier Consolidation
Lower overhead costs in the procurement process by reducing your number of noncritical suppliers.
Our line cards
Allegro Amphenol Analog Bourns Cypress Diodes Honeywell Infneon Intel ITT Inc KEMET KYOCERAAVX 3M Littelfuse Microchip Micron Microsemi Molex Murata Nexperia NVIDIA NXP onsemi Panasonic Raspbery Renesas ROHM Silicon ABB STMicroelectronic TDK TE Texas Vishay More >>
Contact Us
Tel: (86) 755 8395 9469
E-mail: info@eurotech-lcd.com
Add: Building A, Jinfeng Zhihui Valley, No. 45, Yonghe Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
HK office: Unit 1003-1004,10/F, Block4, Nam Fung Industrial City, 18 Tin Hau Road,Tuen Mun, HONGKONG
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