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Part Number: ADIS16060
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete angular rate digital gyroscope
    14-bit resolution
  • Scalable measurement range
    Initial range: ±80°/sec (typical)
    Increase range with external resistor
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • SPI digital output interface
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 5 V single-supply operation
  • 8.2 mm × 8.2 mm × 5.2 mm package
Part Number: ADXRS620
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADXRS622
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADIS16265
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Yaw rate gyroscope with range scaling ±80°/sec, ±160°/sec, and ±320°/sec settings
  • No external configuration required to start data collection
    • Start-up time: 165 ms
    • Sleep mode recovery time: 2.5 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity and bias
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Relative angle displacement output
  • Embedded temperature sensor
  • Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
  • 2000 g shock survivability
Part Number: ADIS16260
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Yaw rate gyroscope with range scaling ±80°/sec, ±160°/sec, and ±320°/sec settings
  • No external configuration required to start data collection
    • Start-up time: 165 ms
    • Sleep mode recovery time: 2.5 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity and bias
    • Calibration temperature: +25°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Relative angle displacement output
  • Embedded temperature sensor
  • 2000 g shock survivability
  • Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
Part Number: ADXRS652
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADXRS624
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADXRS623
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADIS16135
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Digital gyroscope system, ±300°/sec measurement range
  • In-run bias stability, ~6°/hour
    ~11°/hour over temperature: −40°C to +85°C
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    No external configuration commands required
    Start-up time: 181 ms; sleep mode recovery: 5 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity and bias
  • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • Single serial peripheral interface, SPI compatible
Part Number: ADXRS649
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • Ultrafast startup: 3 ms
  • Measurement range extendable to ±50,000°/sec
  • 10,000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 5 V single-supply operation
Part Number: ADXRS453
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • ±300°/sec angular rate sensing
  • Ultrahigh vibration rejection: 0.01°/sec/g
  • Excellent 16°/hour null bias stability
  • Internal temperature compensation
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • SPI Digital output with 16-bit data word
  • Low noise and low power
Part Number: ADXRS450
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • ±300°/sec angular rate sensing
  • High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range
  • Excellent 25°/hour null offset stability
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • SPI digital output with 16-bit data-word
  • Low noise and low power
  • 3.3 V and 5 V operation
Part Number: ADXRS800
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Excellent null offset stability over temperature
  • High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • SPI digital output with 16-bit data-word
  • Low noise
  • Continuous self-test
  • Fail-safe functions
Part Number: ADXRS642
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • 20°/hour bias stability
  • 0.02°/√second angle random walk
  • High vibration rejection over a wide frequency
  • 10,000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
Part Number: ADXRS646
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip
  • Z-axis (yaw rate) response
  • 12°/hour bias stability
  • 0.01°/√second angle random walk
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • Measurement range extendable to a maximum of ±450°/sec
  • 10,000 g powered shock survivability
  • Ratiometric to referenced supply
  • 6 V single-supply operation
  • See data sheet for additional features
Part Number: ADIS16136
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • In-run bias stability, 4°/hour
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    - No external configuration commands required
    - Start-up time: 180 ms; sleep mode recovery: 2.5 ms
Part Number: ADXRS810
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Excellent null offset stability over temperature
  • High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range
  • 2000 g powered shock survivability
  • SPI digital output with 16-bit data-word
  • Low noise
  • Continuous self-test
Part Number: ADIS16137
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Digital gyroscope system, ±1000°/sec measurement range
  • In-run bias stability, 2.8°/hour
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    No external configuration commands required
    Start-up time: 245 ms
    Sleep mode recovery: 2.5 ms
Part Number: ADXRS645
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Innovative ceramic vertical mount package can be oriented for pitch or roll rate response
  • Wide temperature range: −40°C to +175°C
  • Long life: guaranteed 1000 hours at TA = 175°C
  • High vibration rejection over wide frequency
  • 10,000 g powered shock survivability
Part Number: ADXRS290
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Pitch and roll rate gyroscope
  • Ultralow noise: 0.004°/s/√Hz
  • High vibration rejection over a wide frequency range
  • Power saving standby mode
    80 µA current consumption in standby mode
    Fast startup time from standby mode: <100 ms
  • Low delay of <0.5 ms for a 30 Hz input at the widest bandwidth setting
Part Number: ADXRS910
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16201
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dual-axis inclinometer/accelerometer measurements
  • 12-, 14-bit digital inclination/acceleration sensor outputs
  • ±1.7 g accelerometer measurement range
  • ±90° inclinometer measurement range, linear output
  • 12-bit digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled sensitivity and bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
Part Number: ADIS16203
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 0° to 360° Inclinometer
    • ±180 output format option
  • 14-bit digital inclination outputs
    • Linear output, 0.025° resolution
  • 12-bit digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
  • Digitally controlled filtering
  • Digitally controlled direction/orientation
Part Number: ADXL180
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16209
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dual-mode inclinometer system
    • Dual-axis, horizontal operation, ±90°
    • Single-axis, vertical operation, ±180°
  • High accuracy, 0.1°
  • Digital inclination data, 0.025° resolution
  • Digital acceleration data, 0.244 mg resolution
  • ±1.7 g accelerometer measurement range
  • Digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
Part Number: ADIS16240
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL206
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High performance, dual-axis accelerometer on a single IC
  • −40°C to +175°C ambient temperature range
  • Long life: guaranteed 1000 hours at TA = 175°C
  • 13 mm × 8 mm × 2 mm side-brazed ceramic dual in-line package
  • 1 mg resolution at 60 Hz
  • Low power: 700 μA at VS = 5 V (typical)
Part Number: ADIS16210
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital inclinometer system
    • ±180° measurement range, roll and pitch axes
    • ±90° gravity axis
    • ±0.1° relative accuracy
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, high accuracy
    • ±1.7 g measurement range
    • ±0.05° axis-to-axis alignment
  • Digital internal temperature measurements
  • Digital internal power supply measurements
  • Programmable user calibration options
    • Single command, frame alignment
    • Manual accelerometer bias correction
Part Number: ADXL195
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single-axis (ADXL195) and dual-axis (ADXL295) configurations ±120 g baseband acceleration channel
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • 40 gAVG high frequency signal processing channel
    10-bit resolution at 83.3 mg avg/LSB
    128 kHz data interpolation rate
Part Number: ADXL189B
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Compliant with PSI5 Communication Protocol Version 1.3
  • Asynchronous operation:
    Synchronous operation:
    PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
  • 10-bit sensor data
Part Number: ADXL185B
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • User configurable sensor range: ±30 g, ±60 g, ±120 g, ±240 g, ±480 g
  • Compliant with PSI5 Communication Protocol Version 1.3
    Asynchronous operation: PSI5-A10P-250[228]/1L
    Synchronous operation: PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
Part Number: ADXL377
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 3-axis sensing
  • Small, low profile package
    • 3 mm × 3 mm × 1.45 mm LFCSP
  • Low power: 300 μA (typical)
  • Single-supply operation: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
Part Number: ADXL362
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power
    • Power can be derived from coin cell battery
    • 1.8 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
    • 3.0 μA at 400 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
    • 270 nA motion activated wake-up mode
    • 10 nA standby current
  • High resolution: 1 mg/LSB
  • Built-in features for system-level power savings:
    • Adjustable threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation
    • Autonomous interrupt processing, without need for microcontroller intervention, to allow the rest of the system to be turned off completely
    • Deep embedded FIFO minimizes host processor load
    • Awake state output enables implementation of standalone, motion activated switch
  • On-board ultra-low power ARM Cortex M4F MCU
  • No external Debugger/Emulator Tools required
  • Small form factor (75X35mm )
  • Multiple power options – USB, Coincell, External, Li-Ion
  • Onboard peripherals – Accelerometer, Temperature sensor
Part Number: ADXL295
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single-axis (ADXL195) and dual-axis (ADXL295) configurations ±120 g baseband acceleration channel
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • 40 gAVG high frequency signal processing channel
    10-bit resolution at 83.3 mg avg/LSB
    128 kHz data interpolation rate
Part Number: ADXL288
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±120 g full-scale range
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • Sensor frequency response down to dc
  • Fully differential circuitry for high resistance to EMI/RFI
  • Independent x- and y-axis sense structures for robust FMEA performance
Part Number: ADXL375
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Low power: as low as 35 µA in measurement mode and 0.1 µA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V (typical)
  • Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
  • Embedded, 32-level FIFO buffer minimizes processor load
  • Bandwidth of up to 1 kHz
    Bandwidth selectable via serial command
  • Shock event detection
  • Activity/inactivity monitoring
  • Supply voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • I/O voltage range: 1.7 V to VS
  • SPI (3- or 4-wire) and I2C digital interfaces
  • Wide temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • 10,000 g shock survival
  • Pb free/RoHS compliant
  • Small and thin: 3 mm × 5 mm × 1 mm LGA package
Part Number: ADXL363
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • All sensors sampled synchronously
    Up to 400 Hz ODR
    Samples can be synchronized to external trigger
  • Ultralow power
    1.95 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply, all sensors on
    270 nA at 6 Hz motion activated wake-up mode
    10 nA standby current
  • 12-bit resolution for all sensors
    Acceleration scale factor down to 1 mg/LSB
    Temperature scale factor: 0.065°C/LSB (typical)
  • Built-in features for motion-based system level power savings
    Adjustable threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation
Part Number: ADXL700
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High performance, triaxial digital output accelerometer
  • ±14.2 g full-scale range at 16-bit resolution (0.434 mg/LSB)
  • 2 kHz output sample rate with optional data FIFOs
  • Programmable filter response
    20 Hz, 46 Hz, 92 Hz, 184 Hz
  • Continuous electromechanical self-test
    Additional key-on and on demand self-test routines
Part Number: ADXL151
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • PSI5 communication protocol, V2.1 compliant
  • Asynchronous operation—PSI5-A10P-250[228]/1L
  • Synchronous operation—PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    • Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
    • Backwards compliant with PSI5 V1.3
Part Number: ADXL152
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • User configurable sensor range
    • ±120 g, ±240 g, and ±480 g
  • PSI5 communication protocol, V2.1 compliant
  • Asynchronous operation—PSI5-A10P-250[228]/1L
  • Synchronous operation—PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    • Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
    • Backwards compliant with PSI5 V1.3
Part Number: ADXL372
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±200g measurement range
  • 200 Hz to 3200 Hz user-selectable bandwidth with 4-pole anti-aliasing filter
  • Selectable over-sampling ratio 
  • Adjustable high-pass filter 
  • Ultralow power
    • Power can be derived from a coin cell battery
    • 22 µA @ 3200 Hz ODR, 2.5 V supply
    • Low power, wake-up mode for low g activity detection
    • 1.4 μA instant on mode with adjustable threshold
    • <0.1 μA standby mode
  • Built-in features for system-level power savings
    • Autonomous interrupt processing without processor intervention
    • Deep embedded FIFO to minimize host processor load
Part Number: ADXL251
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • User selectable sensor g ranges: ±60 g, ±120 g, ±240 g, ±480 g
  • Dual x-axis and y-axis sensor
  • Compliant to PSI5 Version 2.1 airbag substandard
    • Synchronous operation
      • PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    • Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
  • Application level serial peripheral interface (SPI) communication
  • Selectable 16-bit or 10-bit sensor data
Part Number: ADCMXL3021
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital output MEMS vibration sensing module
  • ±50 g measurement range
  • Ultralow output noise density, 26 μg/√Hz (MTC mode)
  • Wide bandwidth: dc to 10 kHz within 3 dB flatness (RTS mode)
  • Embedded fast data sampling: 220 kSPS per axis
  • 6 digital FIR filters, 32 taps (coefficients), default options:
    • High-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • Low-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • User configurable digital filter option (32 coefficients)
  • Spectral analysis through internal FFT
    • Extended record length: 2048 bins per axis with user configurable bin sizes from 0.42 Hz to 53.7 Hz
    • Manual or timer-based (automatic) triggering
    • Windowing options: rectangular, Hanning, flat top
    • FFT record averaging, configurable up to 255 records
    • Spectral defined alarm monitoring, 6 alarms per axis
Part Number: ADCMXL1021-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single axis, digital output MEMS vibration sensing module  
  • ±50 g measurement range
  • Ultralow output noise density, 26 μg/√Hz (MTC mode)
  • Wide bandwidth: dc to 10 kHz within 3 dB flatness (RTS mode)
  • Embedded fast data conversion rate: 220 kSPS
  • 6 digital FIR filters, 32 taps (coefficients), default options:
    • High-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • Low-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • User configurable digital filter option (32 coefficients)
  • Spectral analysis through internal FFT
    • Extended record length: 2048 bins with user configurable bin sizes from 0.42 Hz to 53.7 Hz
    • Manual or timer-based (automatic) triggering
    • Windowing options: rectangular, Hanning, flat top
    • FFT record averaging, configurable up to 255 records
    • Spectral defined alarm monitoring, 6 alarms
Part Number: ADXL317
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 48 kHz I2S/TDM digital output
  • High resolution: 14 bits
  • Directly compatible with the AD2428W and AD2425W A2B transceivers
  • User selectable bandwidth: 500 Hz to 4 kHz 
  • Low latency: 90 μs typical at 4 kHz bandwidth
Part Number: ADUX1020
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD2210
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD2214
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD2212
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD2211
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD144RI
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 2.8 mm × 5.0 mm module with integrated optical components
    • 660 nm LED, 880 nm IR LED, and photodiode
  • Fully integrated AFE, ADC, LED drivers, and timing core
  • Custom optical package for use under a glass window
  • Programmable 2-channel, 8.5 mA to 370 mA LED drivers
  • Provision to use external LED emitters
  • Low power
Part Number: ADPD107
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD105
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD1080
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multifunction photometric front end
  • Fully integrated AFE, ADC, LED drivers, and timing core
  • Enables ambient light rejection capability without the need for photodiode optical filters
  • Three 370 mA LED peak current drivers
  • Flexible, multiple, short LED pulses per optical sample
  • 20-bit burst accumulator enabling 20 bits per sample period
Part Number: ADPD188GG
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD2140
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 2-axis light angle measurement
  • Linear response to the angle of incident light
  • Integrated visible light blocking optical filter
  • No optics required and no need for precise alignment
Part Number: ADPD188BI
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADPD1081
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multifunction photometric front end
  • Fully integrated AFE, ADC, LED drivers, and timing core
  • Enables ambient light rejection capability without the need for photodiode optical filters
  • Three 370 mA LED peak current drivers
  • Flexible, multiple, short LED pulses per optical sample
  • 20-bit burst accumulator enabling 20 bits per sample period
Part Number: ADDI9036
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 12-bit, 45 MHz ADC
  • CDS with variable gain
  • 0 dB to 36 dB, 10-bit VGA
  • Black level clamp with variable level control
  • Precision Timing core with 174 ps resolution
  • Integrated, 7-channel H-driver and RG clock drivers
  • 7-channel LD driver
  • Integrated 16-channel V-driver
Part Number: ADPD4001
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multimodal analog front end
    • 8 input channels with multiple operation modes to accommodate the following measurements: PPG, ECG, EDA, impedance, and temperature
    • Dual channel processing with simultaneous sampling
    • 12 programmable time slots for synchronized sensor measurements
    • Flexible input multiplexing to support differential and single-ended sensor measurements
    • 8 LED drivers, 4 of which can be driven simultaneously
  • Board supports ADPD4000 and ADPD4001 population
  • ADPD4000 (SPI) is the default board population
  • All inputs and outputs are accessible to the user
  • 3 separately driven green LEDs included
  • 1 red and 1 IR LED included
  • Metal baffle to block optical crosstalk
Part Number: ADPD4000
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multimodal analog front end
    • 8 input channels with multiple operation modes to accommodate the following measurements: PPG, ECG, EDA, impedance, and temperature
    • Dual channel processing with simultaneous sampling
    • 12 programmable time slots for synchronized sensor measurements
    • Flexible input multiplexing to support differential and single-ended sensor measurements
    • 8 LED drivers, 4 of which can be driven simultaneously
  • Board supports ADPD4000 and ADPD4001 population
  • ADPD4000 (SPI) is the default board population
  • All inputs and outputs are accessible to the user
  • 3 separately driven green LEDs included
  • 1 red and 1 IR LED included
  • Metal baffle to block optical crosstalk
Part Number: ADPD4101
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multimodal analog front end
  • 8 input channels with multiple operation modes for various sensor measurements
  • Dual-channel processing with simultaneous sampling
  • 12 programmable time slots for synchronized sensor measurements
  • Flexible input multiplexing to support differential and single-ended sensor measurements
    • 8 LED drivers, 4 of which can be driven simultaneously
  • Flexible sampling rate from 0.004 Hz to 9 kHz using internal oscillators
Part Number: ADPD4100
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multimodal analog front end
  • 8 input channels with multiple operation modes for various sensor measurements
  • Dual-channel processing with simultaneous sampling
  • 12 programmable time slots for synchronized sensor measurements
  • Flexible input multiplexing to support differential and single-ended sensor measurements
    • 8 LED drivers, 4 of which can be driven simultaneously
  • Flexible sampling rate from 0.004 Hz to 9 kHz using internal oscillators
Part Number: ADAL6110-16
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 16-channel, LIDAR signal processor
  • Frame rates up to 1.9 kHz at 50 MHz SPI clock
  • Automatic gain control
  • DC balance
  • Ambient light cancellation
  • Independent channel configurability
  • Programmable timing controls
Part Number: ADXL213
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL203
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL103
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16003
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16201
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dual-axis inclinometer/accelerometer measurements
  • 12-, 14-bit digital inclination/acceleration sensor outputs
  • ±1.7 g accelerometer measurement range
  • ±90° inclinometer measurement range, linear output
  • 12-bit digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled sensitivity and bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
Part Number: ADIS16006
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dual-axis accelerometer
  • SPI digital output interface
  • Internal temperature sensor
  • Highly integrated; minimal external components
  • Bandwidth externally selectable
  • 1.9 mg resolution at 60 Hz
Part Number: ADIS16203
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 0° to 360° Inclinometer
    • ±180 output format option
  • 14-bit digital inclination outputs
    • Linear output, 0.025° resolution
  • 12-bit digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
  • Digitally controlled filtering
  • Digitally controlled direction/orientation
Part Number: ADXL180
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16209
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dual-mode inclinometer system
    • Dual-axis, horizontal operation, ±90°
    • Single-axis, vertical operation, ±180°
  • High accuracy, 0.1°
  • Digital inclination data, 0.025° resolution
  • Digital acceleration data, 0.244 mg resolution
  • ±1.7 g accelerometer measurement range
  • Digital temperature sensor output
  • Digitally controlled bias calibration
  • Digitally controlled sample rate
Part Number: ADXL335
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Small, low-profile package
  • 4 mm × 4 mm × 1.45 mm LFCSP
  • Low power - 350 μA (typical)
  • Single-supply operation
    1.8 V to 3.6 V
Part Number: ADXL345
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power: as low as 23 μA in measurement mode and 0.1 μA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V (typical)
  • Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
  • User-selectable resolution
    • Fixed 10-bit resolution
    • Full resolution, where resolution increases with g range, up to 13-bit resolution at ±16 g (maintaining 4 mg/LSB scale factor in all g ranges)
  • Embedded memory management system with FIFO technology minimizes host processor load
  • Single tap/double tap detection
  • Activity/inactivity monitoring
  • Free-fall detection
  • Supply voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • I/O voltage range: 1.7 V to VS
  • SPI (3- and 4-wire) and I2C digital interfaces
  • Flexible interrupt modes mappable to either interrupt pin
  • Measurement ranges selectable via serial command
  • Bandwidth selectable via serial command
  • Wide temperature range (−40°C to +85°C)
  • 10,000 g shock survival
  • Pb free/RoHS compliant
  • Small and thin: 3 mm × 5 mm × 1 mm LGA package
Part Number: ADIS16240
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL346
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power: as low as 23 μA in measurement mode and 0.2 μA in standby mode at VS = 2.6 V (typical)
  • Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
  • User-selectable resolution
    Fixed 10-bit resolution
    Full resolution, where resolution increases with g range, up to 13-bit resolution at ±16 g (maintaining 4 mg/LSB scale factor in all g ranges)
  • Single tap/double tap detection
Part Number: ADXL327
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL326
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL325
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL337
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 3-axis sensing
  • Small, low-profile package
    3 mm × 3 mm × 1.45 mm LFCSP
  • Low power - 300 μA (typical)
  • Single-supply operation 1.8 V to 3.6 V
Part Number: ADXL312
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power: as low as 57 μA in measurement mode and 0.1 μA in standby mode at VS = 3.3 V (typical)
  • Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
  • User-selectable resolution
    • Fixed 10-bit resolution
    • Full resolution, where resolution increases with g range, up to 13-bit resolution at ±12 g (maintaining 2.9 mg/LSB scale factor in all g ranges)
  • Embedded FIFO technology minimizes host processor load
  • Supply and I/O voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
Part Number: ADXL206
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High performance, dual-axis accelerometer on a single IC
  • −40°C to +175°C ambient temperature range
  • Long life: guaranteed 1000 hours at TA = 175°C
  • 13 mm × 8 mm × 2 mm side-brazed ceramic dual in-line package
  • 1 mg resolution at 60 Hz
  • Low power: 700 μA at VS = 5 V (typical)
Part Number: ADIS16210
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital inclinometer system
    • ±180° measurement range, roll and pitch axes
    • ±90° gravity axis
    • ±0.1° relative accuracy
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, high accuracy
    • ±1.7 g measurement range
    • ±0.05° axis-to-axis alignment
  • Digital internal temperature measurements
  • Digital internal power supply measurements
  • Programmable user calibration options
    • Single command, frame alignment
    • Manual accelerometer bias correction
Part Number: ADXL212
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High performance, single-/dual-axis accelerometer on a single IC chip
  • 5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm LCC package
  • 1 mg resolution at 60 Hz Low power: 700 μA at VS = 5 V (typical)
  • High sensitivity accuracy –40°C to +125°C temperature range
  • High zero g bias stability
  • Pulse Width Modulated Digital Outputs
  • BW adjustment with a single capacitor
  • Single-supply operation
  • 3500 g shock survival RoHS-compliant
  • Compatible with Sn/Pb- and Pb-free solder processes
  • High performance, single-/dual-axis accelerometer on a single IC chip
  • 5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm LCC package
  • 1 mg resolution at 60 Hz Low power: 700 μA at VS = 5 V (typical)
  • High sensitivity accuracy –40°C to +125°C temperature range
Part Number: ADXL195
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single-axis (ADXL195) and dual-axis (ADXL295) configurations ±120 g baseband acceleration channel
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • 40 gAVG high frequency signal processing channel
    10-bit resolution at 83.3 mg avg/LSB
    128 kHz data interpolation rate
Part Number: ADXL189B
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Compliant with PSI5 Communication Protocol Version 1.3
  • Asynchronous operation:
    Synchronous operation:
    PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
  • 10-bit sensor data
Part Number: ADXL185B
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • User configurable sensor range: ±30 g, ±60 g, ±120 g, ±240 g, ±480 g
  • Compliant with PSI5 Communication Protocol Version 1.3
    Asynchronous operation: PSI5-A10P-250[228]/1L
    Synchronous operation: PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
Part Number: ADXL343
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multipurpose accelerometer with 10- to 13-bit resolution for use in a wide variety of applications
  • Digital output accessible via SPI (3- and 4-wire) and I2C
  • Built-in motion detection features make tap, double-tap, activity, inactivity, and free-fall detection trivial
    • User-adjustable thresholds
    • Interrupts independently mappable to two interrupt pins
Part Number: ADXL377
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 3-axis sensing
  • Small, low profile package
    • 3 mm × 3 mm × 1.45 mm LFCSP
  • Low power: 300 μA (typical)
  • Single-supply operation: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
Part Number: ADXL362
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power
    • Power can be derived from coin cell battery
    • 1.8 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
    • 3.0 μA at 400 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
    • 270 nA motion activated wake-up mode
    • 10 nA standby current
  • High resolution: 1 mg/LSB
  • Built-in features for system-level power savings:
    • Adjustable threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation
    • Autonomous interrupt processing, without need for microcontroller intervention, to allow the rest of the system to be turned off completely
    • Deep embedded FIFO minimizes host processor load
    • Awake state output enables implementation of standalone, motion activated switch
  • On-board ultra-low power ARM Cortex M4F MCU
  • No external Debugger/Emulator Tools required
  • Small form factor (75X35mm )
  • Multiple power options – USB, Coincell, External, Li-Ion
  • Onboard peripherals – Accelerometer, Temperature sensor
Part Number: ADXL350
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Excellent Zero-g bias accuracy and stability with minimum/maximum specifications
  • User-selectable resolution
    Fixed 10-bit resolution
    Full resolution, where resolution increases with g range, up to 13-bit resolution at ±8 g (maintains 2 mg/LSB scale factor in all g ranges)
Part Number: ADXL344
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Multipurpose accelerometer with 10- to 13-bit resolution for use in a wide variety of applications
  • Digital output accessible via SPI (3- and 4-wire) and I2C
  • Built-in motion detection features make tap, double-tap, activity, inactivity, orientation, and free-fall detection trivial user-adjustable thresholds interrupts independently mappable to two interrupt pins
Part Number: ADXL295
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single-axis (ADXL195) and dual-axis (ADXL295) configurations ±120 g baseband acceleration channel
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • 40 gAVG high frequency signal processing channel
    10-bit resolution at 83.3 mg avg/LSB
    128 kHz data interpolation rate
Part Number: ADXL288
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±120 g full-scale range
    12-bit resolution at 62.5 mg/LSB
    512 kHz data interpolation rate
  • Sensor frequency response down to dc
  • Fully differential circuitry for high resistance to EMI/RFI
  • Independent x- and y-axis sense structures for robust FMEA performance
Part Number: ADXL313
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Ultralow power (scales automatically with data rate)
    • As low as 30 μA in measurement mode (VS = 3.3 V)
    • As low as 0.1 μA in standby mode (VS = 3.3 V)
  • Low noise performance
    • 150 μg/√Hz typical for X- and Y-axes
    • 250 μg/√Hz typical for the Z-axis
  • Embedded, patent pending FIFO technology minimizes host processor load
Part Number: ADXL375
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Low power: as low as 35 µA in measurement mode and 0.1 µA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V (typical)
  • Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth
  • Embedded, 32-level FIFO buffer minimizes processor load
  • Bandwidth of up to 1 kHz
    Bandwidth selectable via serial command
  • Shock event detection
  • Activity/inactivity monitoring
  • Supply voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • I/O voltage range: 1.7 V to VS
  • SPI (3- or 4-wire) and I2C digital interfaces
  • Wide temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • 10,000 g shock survival
  • Pb free/RoHS compliant
  • Small and thin: 3 mm × 5 mm × 1 mm LGA package
Part Number: ADXL363
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • All sensors sampled synchronously
    Up to 400 Hz ODR
    Samples can be synchronized to external trigger
  • Ultralow power
    1.95 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply, all sensors on
    270 nA at 6 Hz motion activated wake-up mode
    10 nA standby current
  • 12-bit resolution for all sensors
    Acceleration scale factor down to 1 mg/LSB
    Temperature scale factor: 0.065°C/LSB (typical)
  • Built-in features for motion-based system level power savings
    Adjustable threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation
Part Number: ADXL700
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • High performance, triaxial digital output accelerometer
  • ±14.2 g full-scale range at 16-bit resolution (0.434 mg/LSB)
  • 2 kHz output sample rate with optional data FIFOs
  • Programmable filter response
    20 Hz, 46 Hz, 92 Hz, 184 Hz
  • Continuous electromechanical self-test
    Additional key-on and on demand self-test routines
Part Number: ADXL316
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 3-axis sensing with ±16 g minimum measurement range
  • Small, low profile package
    • 12-lead, 4 mm × 4 mm × 1.45 mm LFCSP
  • Low quiescent supply current: 350 µA typical
  • Single-supply operation: 1.8 V to 3.6 V
  • 10,000 g shock survival
Part Number: ADXL151
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • PSI5 communication protocol, V2.1 compliant
  • Asynchronous operation—PSI5-A10P-250[228]/1L
  • Synchronous operation—PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    • Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
    • Backwards compliant with PSI5 V1.3
Part Number: ADXL355
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Hermetic package offers excellent long-term stability
  • 0 g offset vs. temperature (all axes): 0.15 mg/°C maximum
  • Ultralow noise density (all axes): 22.5µg/√Hz
  • Low power, VSUPPLY (LDO regulator enabled)
    • ADXL354 in measurement mode: 150 μA
    • ADXL355 in measurement mode: 200 μA
    • ADXL354/ADXL355 in standby mode: 21 μA
  • ADXL354 has user adjustable analog output bandwidth
  • Electromechanical self test
  • Integrated temperature sensor
Part Number: ADXL354
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Hermetic package offers excellent long-term stability
  • 0 g offset vs. temperature (all axes): 0.15 mg/°C maximum
  • Ultralow noise density (all axes): 22.5µg/√Hz
  • Low power, VSUPPLY (LDO regulator enabled)
    • ADXL354 in measurement mode: 150 μA
    • ADXL355 in measurement mode: 200 μA
    • ADXL354/ADXL355 in standby mode: 21 μA
  • ADXL354 has user adjustable analog output bandwidth
  • Electromechanical self test
  • Integrated temperature sensor
Part Number: ADXL1004
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL372
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±200g measurement range
  • 200 Hz to 3200 Hz user-selectable bandwidth with 4-pole anti-aliasing filter
  • Selectable over-sampling ratio 
  • Adjustable high-pass filter 
  • Ultralow power
    • Power can be derived from a coin cell battery
    • 22 µA @ 3200 Hz ODR, 2.5 V supply
    • Low power, wake-up mode for low g activity detection
    • 1.4 μA instant on mode with adjustable threshold
    • <0.1 μA standby mode
  • Built-in features for system-level power savings
    • Autonomous interrupt processing without processor intervention
    • Deep embedded FIFO to minimize host processor load
Part Number: ADXL357
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Hermetic package offers optimal long-term stability
  • 0 g offset vs. temperature (all axes): 0.75 mg/°C maximum
  • Ultralow noise spectral density (all axes): 75 μg/√Hz
  • Low power, VSUPPLY (LDO regulator enabled)
    • Measurement mode: 200 μA
    • Standby mode: 21 μA
  • Digital output features
    • Digital SPI and limited I2C interfaces supported
    • 20-bit ADC
    • Data interpolation routine for synchronous sampling
    • Programmable high- and low-pass digital filters
Part Number: ADXL356
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Hermetic package offers optimal long-term stability
  • 0 g offset vs. temperature (all axes): 0.75 mg/°C maximum
  • Ultralow noise spectral density (all axes): 75 μg/√Hz
  • Low power, VSUPPLY (LDO regulator enabled)
    • Measurement mode: 150 μA
    • Standby mode: 21 μA
  • User adjustable analog output bandwidth
  • Integrated temperature sensor
  • Voltage range options
    • VSUPPLY with internal regulators: 2.25 V to 3.6 V
    • V1P8ANA, V1P8DIG with internal LDO regulator bypassed: 1.8 V typical ± 10%
  • Operating temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
  • 14-terminal, 6 mm × 5.6 mm × 2.2 mm, LCC package
Part Number: ADXL251
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • User selectable sensor g ranges: ±60 g, ±120 g, ±240 g, ±480 g
  • Dual x-axis and y-axis sensor
  • Compliant to PSI5 Version 2.1 airbag substandard
    • Synchronous operation
      • PSI5-P10P-500/3L and others
    • Daisy-chain operation with bidirectional communication
  • Application level serial peripheral interface (SPI) communication
  • Selectable 16-bit or 10-bit sensor data
Part Number: ADXL1002
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADXL1001
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single in plane axis accelerometer with analog output
  • Linear frequency response range from dc to 11 kHz (3 dB point)
    • Resonant frequency of 21 kHz
  • Ultralow noise density
    • 30 μg/√Hz in ±100 g range
  • Overrange sensing plus dc coupling allows fast recovery time
  • Complete electromechanical self-test
  • Sensitivity performance
    • Sensitivity stability over temperature 5%
    • Linearity to ±0.1% of full-scale range
    • Cross axis sensitivity ±1% (ZX), ±1% (YX),
Part Number: ADXL1005
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single, in plane axis accelerometer with analog output
  • Full-scale range: ±100 g
  • Linear frequency response range: dc to 23 kHz typical (3 dB point)
    • Resonant frequency: 42 kHz typical
  • Ultralow noise density: 75 μg/√Hz
  • Overrange sensing plus dc coupling allows fast recovery time
  • Complete electromechanical self test
Part Number: ADCMXL1021-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single axis, digital output MEMS vibration sensing module  
  • ±50 g measurement range
  • Ultralow output noise density, 26 μg/√Hz (MTC mode)
  • Wide bandwidth: dc to 10 kHz within 3 dB flatness (RTS mode)
  • Embedded fast data conversion rate: 220 kSPS
  • 6 digital FIR filters, 32 taps (coefficients), default options:
    • High-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • Low-pass filter cutoff frequencies: 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz
    • User configurable digital filter option (32 coefficients)
  • Spectral analysis through internal FFT
    • Extended record length: 2048 bins with user configurable bin sizes from 0.42 Hz to 53.7 Hz
    • Manual or timer-based (automatic) triggering
    • Windowing options: rectangular, Hanning, flat top
    • FFT record averaging, configurable up to 255 records
    • Spectral defined alarm monitoring, 6 alarms
Part Number: ADXL1003
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Single, in-plane axis accelerometer with analog output
  • Full-scale range: ±200 g
  • Linear frequency response range: dc to 15 kHz typical (3 dB point)
    • Resonant frequency: 28 kHz typical
  • Sensitivity performance
    • Sensitivity stability over temperature within ± 5%
    • Linearity to ±0.2% of full-scale range
    • Cross-axis sensitivity ± 1%/± 0.8% (z-axis acceleration effect on x-axis, y-axis acceleration effect on x-axis)
Part Number: ADXL317
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • 48 kHz I2S/TDM digital output
  • High resolution: 14 bits
  • Directly compatible with the AD2428W and AD2425W A2B transceivers
  • User selectable bandwidth: 500 Hz to 4 kHz 
  • Low latency: 90 μs typical at 4 kHz bandwidth
Part Number: ADXL371
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±200 g measurement range
  • 160 Hz to 2560 Hz user selectable bandwidth with four-pole antialiasing filter
  • Selectable oversampling ratio
  • Adjustable high-pass filter
  • Ultra low power
    • Power can be derived from a coin cell battery
    • 28 µA at 2560 Hz ODR, 3.3 V supply
    • Low power, wake-up mode for low g activity detection
    • 1.7 μA instant on mode with adjustable threshold
    • <0.1 μA standby mode
    • Built in features for system level power savings
      • Autonomous interrupt processing without processor intervention
Part Number: ADXL367
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Supply voltage range
    • Single-cell battery operation: 1.1 V to 3.6 V
    • Internal power supply regulation for high PSRR
  • Ultralow power
    • 0.89 μA at 100 Hz ODR, 2.0 V supply
    • 180 nA motion activated wake-up mode
    • 40 nA standby current
  • High resolution: 0.25 mg/LSB
  • Built-in features for system level power savings
    • Single-tap and double-tap detection with only 35 nA of added current
    • Adjustable threshold sleep and wake-up modes for motion activation
    • Autonomous interrupt processing, without need for microcontroller intervention, to allow the rest of the system to be turned off completely
Part Number: ADXL314
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • ±200 g measurement range
  • Low power: 170 μA in measurement mode and 17 μA in standby mode at VS = 2.5 V (typical)
  • User selectable bandwidth up to 3200 Hz ODR
  • Fixed 13-bit output resolution
  • Supply voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
  • Embedded memory management system with FIFO technology minimizes host processor load
  • Shock event detection
Part Number: ADIS16365
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxis digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settings
    • Tight orthogonal alignment: <0.05°
  • Triaxis digital accelerometer: ±18 g
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Start-up time: 180 ms
    • Sleep mode recovery time: 4 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
  • −40°C to +85°C calibration temperature range
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Wide bandwidth: 330 Hz
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16364
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxis digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settings
    • Tight orthogonal alignment: <0.05°
  • Triaxis digital accelerometer: ±5 g
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Start-up time: 180 ms
    • Sleep mode recovery time: 4 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
  • Calibration temperature range: −20°C to +70°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Wide bandwidth: 330 Hz
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16362
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxis digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settings
    • Tight orthogonal alignment: <0.05°
  • Triaxis digital accelerometer: ±1.7 g
  • Wide sensor bandwidth: 330 Hz
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Start-up time: 180 ms
    • Sleep mode recovery time: 4 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −20°C to +70°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16375
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxis digital gyroscope, ±300°/sec
    • Tight orthogonal alignment: 0.05°
  • Triaxis digital accelerometer: ±18 g
  • Delta-angle/velocity calculations
  • Wide sensor bandwidth: 330 Hz
  • High sample rate: 2.460 kSPS
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Startup time: 500 ms
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16334
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settings
    • Tight orthogonal alignment: <0.05°
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer: ±5 g
  • Wide sensor bandwidth: 330 Hz
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Start-up time: 180 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −20°C to +70°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16485
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range
    • ±0.05° orthogonal alignment error
    • 6°/hr in-run bias stability
    • 0.3°/√hr angular random walk
    • 0.01% nonlinearity
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±5 g
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Fast start-up time, ~500 ms
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16480
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Dynamic angle outputs
    • Quaternion, Euler, rotation matrix
    • 0.1° (pitch, roll) and 0.3° (yaw) static accuracy
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range
    • ±0.05° orthogonal alignment error
    • 6°/√hr in-run bias stability
    • 0.3°/√hr angular random walk
    • 0.01% nonlinearity
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±10 g
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Triaxial, digital magnetometer, ±2.5 gauss
  • Digital pressure sensor, 300 mbar to 1100 mbar
  • Adaptive extended Kalman filter
    • Automatic covariance computation
    • Programmable reference reorientation
    • Programmable sensor disturbance levels
    • Configurable event-driven controls
Part Number: ADIS16448
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±250°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±1000°/sec settings
    • Axis-to-axis alignment, <0.05°
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer, ±18 g minimum
  • Triaxial digital magnetometer, ±1.9 gauss minimum
  • Digital barometer, 10 mbar to 1200 mbar
    • Calibrated pressure range: 300 mbar to 1100 mbar
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • 205 ms start-up time
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
    • Burst mode read sequence with optional CRC-16
Part Number: ADIS16445
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±62°/sec, ±125°/sec, ±250°/sec settings
    • Axis-to-axis alignment, <0.05°
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer, ±5 g minimum
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • 175 ms start-up time
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
Part Number: ADIS16488A
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range
    • ±0.05° orthogonal alignment error
    • 5.1°/hr in-run bias stability
    • 0.26°/√hr angular random walk
    • 0.01% nonlinearity
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±18 g
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Triaxial, digital magnetometer, ±2.5 gauss
  • Digital pressure sensor, 300 mbar to 1100 mbar
  • Fast start-up time, ~500 ms
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16486
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range (minimum)
    • ±0.018° axis to axis misalignment error (typical)
    • 5.3°/hr in-run bias stability (typical)
    • 0.25°/√hr angular random walk (typical)
    • 0.01% FS nonlinearity
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer, ±18 g dynamic range (minimum)
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI compatible
  • Single VDD power supply operation: 3.0 V to 3.6 V
  • 2000 g mechanical shock survivability
Part Number: ADIS16460
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope
    • Measurement range: ±100°/sec (minimum)
    • 8°/√hr (typical) in-run bias stability
    • 0.12°/√hr (typical) angle random walk, x-axis
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer, ±5 g dynamic range
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • Fast start-up time
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C
  • Serial peripheral interface (SPI) data communications
Part Number: ADXC1500
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16490
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±100°/sec dynamic range
  • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
  • ±0.25° axis to package misalignment error
  • 1.8°/hr in run bias stability
  • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
  • 3.6 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
  • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • Serial peripheral interface (SPI) compatible
Part Number: ADIS16489
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range
    • ±0.018° axis-to-axis misalignment error
    • 5.3°/hr in-run bias stability
    • 0.25°/√hr angular random walk
    • 0.045°/sec nonlinearity
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±18 g dynamic range
  • Barometer, 300 mbar to 1100 mbar
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs 
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI compatible
Part Number: ADIS16467-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16467-1)
  • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16467-1 and ADIS16467-2)
  • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16467-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16467-1)
  • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16467-1 and ADIS16467-2)
  • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16467-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16467-1)
  • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16467-1 and ADIS16467-2)
  • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16465-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope 
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16465-1) 
    • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16465-1 and ADIS16465-2) 
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error 
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C  
Part Number: ADIS16465-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope 
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16465-1) 
    • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16465-1 and ADIS16465-2) 
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error 
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C  
Part Number: ADIS16465-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope 
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16465-1) 
    • 0.15°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16465-1 and ADIS16465-2) 
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error 
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C  
Part Number: ADXC1501
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
Description: /
Part Number: ADIS16497-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16497-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16497-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16497-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16497-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16497-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16497-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16497-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16497-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16495-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16495-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16495-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.2 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16495-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16495-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16495-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.2 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16495-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±450°/sec, ±2000°/sec range options
    • ±0.05° axis to axis misalignment error
    • ±0.25° (maximum) axis to package misalignment error
    • 0.8°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16495-1)
    • 0.09°/√hr angular random walk (ADIS16495-1)
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.2 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16477-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16477-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16477-1 and ADIS16477-2)
    • ±0.1° axis-to-axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16477-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16477-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16477-1 and ADIS16477-2)
    • ±0.1° axis-to-axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16477-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16477-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16477-1 and ADIS16477-2)
    • ±0.1° axis-to-axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±40 g
    • 13 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16475-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16475-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16475-1 and ADIS16475-2)
    • ±0.1° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16475-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16475-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16475-1 and ADIS16475-2)
    • ±0.1° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16475-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
    • 2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16475-1)
    • 0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16475-1 and ADIS16475-2)
    • ±0.1° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
    • 3.6 μg in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16470
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope, ±2000°/sec dynamic range
    • 8°/hr in run bias stability
    • 0.008°/sec/√Hz rms rate noise density
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer dynamic range: ±40 g
    • 13 μg in run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −10°C to +75°C
  • SPI compatible data communications
Part Number: ADIS16507-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16507-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16507-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±392 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 125 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16507-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16507-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16507-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±392 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 125 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16507-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16507-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16507-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±392 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 125 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16505-3
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16505-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16505-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±78.4 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 26.5 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability (x-axis and y-axis)
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16505-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16505-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16505-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±78.4 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 26.5 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability (x-axis and y-axis)
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16505-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec dynamic range models
    • 2.3°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16505-1)
    • 0.13°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ (ADIS16505-1)
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±78.4 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 26.5 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability (x-axis and y-axis)
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
Part Number: ADIS16500
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope
    • ±2000°/sec dynamic range
    • 8.1°/hr in-run bias stability
    • 0.29°/√hr angular random walk, x-axis and y-axis, 1 σ
    • ±0.25° axis to axis misalignment error
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±392 m/sec2 dynamic range
    • 125 μm/sec2 in-run bias stability
  • Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −10°C to +75°C
Part Number: ADIS16446
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: Sensors and MEMS
  • Triaxial digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
    • ±250°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±1000°/sec settings
    • Axis to axis misalignment: ±0.05°
  • Triaxial digital accelerometer dynamic range: ±18 g minimum
  • Autonomous operation and data collection
    • No external configuration commands required
    • 205 ms typical power-on start-up time
  • Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
    • Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible
    • Optional burst read sequence for fast data transfer
Part Number: AD8346
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Output Frequency range 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
  • I/Q Base-band Frequency range dc to 70 MHz
  • Output Power −3 dBm P1 dB
  • Noise Floor −147 dBm/Hz
  • Quadrature Phase Accuracy 1 deg rms
Part Number: AD8345
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Output frequency range 140 MHz to 1000 MHz
  • I/Q baseband frequency range dc – 80 MHz output power +2.5 dBm P1 dB
  • Noise floor –155 dBm/Hz
Part Number: AD8347
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • 800MHz - 2.7GHz RF Input Range
  • Integrated 65dB AGC Amplifiers
  • Integrated Baseband Level Detectors
  • Integrated Baseband Output Amplifiers
  • Single Supply 2.7 to 5.5V with Power Down
Part Number: LT5517
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: LT5516
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: LT5515
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: AD8348
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • 50 MHz – 1000 MHz RF input range
  • Integrated 45 dB linear-in-dB VGA IF amplifier
  • Integrated baseband output amplifiers
  • Demodulation bandwidth 75 MHz
  • Quadrature phase accuracy 0.5°
  • Amplitude balance 0.25 dB
Part Number: AD8349
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Output Frequency Range 700 MHz - 2.7 GHz
  • I/Q Base-band Frequency range dc – 160 MHz
  • Output Power 5.6 dBm @ 2140 MHz
  • Quadrature Phase Accuracy 0.3 degrees
  • Amplitude Balance 0.1 dB
Part Number: LT5528
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: LT5572
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: LT5518
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: LT5568
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: AD8333
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: LT5575
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: LT5571
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: LT5558
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: ADL5385
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: ADL5370
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: ADL5372
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
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Part Number: ADL5371
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: LT5568-2
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5591
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5590
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5373
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5387
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Operating RF frequency
    30 MHz to 2 GHz
  • Voltage conversion gain > 4 dB
  • 60 MHz to 4 GHz
  • Input IP3: 31 dBm @ 900 MHz
  • Input IP2: 62 dBm @ 900 MHz
  • Input P1dB: 13 dBm @ 900 MHz
  • Noise figure (NF)
    12.0 dB @ 140 MHz
    14.7 dB @ 900 MHz
Part Number: AD8339
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Quad integrated I/Q demodulator
  • 16 phase select on each output (22.5° per step)
  • Bandwidth:
    4LO: LF to 200 MHz
    RF: LF to 50 MHz
    Baseband: determined by external filtering
  • Power consumption: 73 mW/channel (290 mW total)
Part Number: ADL5375
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5382
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • I/Q Demodulator
  • Operating RF frequency
    700 MHz to 2700MHz
  • IIP3 +30 dBm
  • IIP2 +60dBm
  • Input P1dB +13dBm
  • NF 14 dB @ 900MHz
  • Voltage Conversion Gain of 5dB
Part Number: ADF9010
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • 840 MHz to 960 MHz ISM bands
  • Rx baseband analog low-pass filtering and PGA
  • Integrated RF Tx upconverter
  • Integrated integer-N PLL and VCO
Part Number: LTC5598
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADL5380
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Operating RF and LO frequency: 400 MHz to
    6 GHz
  • Input IP3
    30 dBm @ 900 MHz
    28 dBm @1900 MHz
  • Input IP2: >65 dBm @ 900 MHz
  • Input P1dB (IP1dB): 11.6 dBm @ 900 MHz
  • Voltage conversion gain: ~7 dB
  • Demodulation bandwidth: ~390 MHz
Part Number: ADRF6750
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • I/Q modulator with integrated fractional-N PLL and VCO
  • Gain control span: 47 dB in 1 dB steps
  • Output frequency range: 950 MHz to 1575 MHz
  • Output 1 dB compression: 8.5 dBm
  • Output IP3: 23 dBm
  • Noise floor: −162 dBm/Hz
Part Number: AD8346S
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • Output Frequency range 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
  • I/Q Base-band Frequency range dc – 70 MHz
  • Output Power –3 dBm P1 dB
  • Noise Floor –147 dBm/Hz
Part Number: LTC5588-1
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
Description: /
Part Number: ADRF6850
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ quadrature demodulator
  • Integrated fractional-N PLL and VCO
  • Gain control range: 60 dB
  • Input frequency range: 100 MHz to 1000 MHz
  • Input P1dB: +12 dBm at 0 dB gain
  • Input IP3: +22.5 dBm at 0 dB gain
Part Number: ADRF6806
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ demodulator with integrated fractional-N PLL
  • LO frequency range: 50 MHz to 525 MHz
  • Quadrature demodulation accuracy:
    Phase accuracy: <0.5°
    Amplitude accuracy: <0.1 dB
  • Baseband demodulation: 135 MHz, 3 dB bandwidth
  • SPI serial interface for PLL programming
Part Number: ADRF6801
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ demodulator with integrated fractional-N PLL
  • LO frequency range: 750 MHz to 1150 MHz
  • Input P1dB: 12.5 dBm
  • Input IP3: 25 dBm
  • Noise figure (DSB): 14.3 dB
  • Voltage conversion gain: 5.1 dB
  • SPI serial interface for PLL programming
Part Number: ADRF6702
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ modulator with integrated fractional-N PLL
  • Output frequency range: 1200 MHz to 2400 MHz
  • Internal LO frequency range: 1550 MHz to 2150 MHz
  • Output P1dB: 13.1 dBm @ 2140 MHz
  • Output IP3: 29.1 dBm @ 2140 MHz
Part Number: ADRF6703
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ modulator with integrated fractional-N PLL
  • RF output frequency range: 1550 MHz to 2650 MHz
  • Internal LO frequency range: 2100 MHz to 2600 MHz
  • Output P1dB: 14.2 dBm @ 2140 MHz
  • Output IP3: 33.2 dBm @ 2140 MHz
Part Number: ADRF6807
Manufacturer: Analog Devices
Category: RF and Microwaves
  • IQ demodulator with integrated fractional-N PLL
  • LO frequency range: 700 MHz to 1050 MHz
  • For the following specifications
    (LPEN = 0)/(LPEN = 1):
    Input P1dB: 12.8 dBm/11.7 dBm
    Input IP3: 26.7 dBm/24.0 dBm
    Noise figure (DSB): 13.1 dB/12.4 dB
    Voltage conversion gain: 1.0 dB/4.3 dB
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