Chips are also known as microcircuits, microchips, and integrated circuits. They are actually a general term for semiconductor component products.
There are many classifications of chips, which can be divided into analog chips and digital chips according to different processing signals. Simply put, analog chips use the amplification effect of transistors, while digital and analog chips use the switching effect of crystals. Specifically, analog chips are used to generate, amplify, and process various analog signals, and there are many types, including analog-to-digital conversion chips (ADC), amplifier chips, power management chips, PLLs, and so on. The difficulty of analog chip design is that there are too many non-ideal effects, which requires solid basic knowledge and rich experience, such as small signal analysis, time domain and frequency domain analysis, etc.
According to the international standard classification method, it can be divided into: integrated circuits, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronics;
According to the circuit, it can be divided into: analog integrated circuit, digital integrated circuit, mixed signal integrated circuit;
According to different processing signals, it can be divided into: analog chips: chips that process analog signals are called analog chips; digital chips: chips that process digital signals are called digital chips. So what are analog signals and digital signals? Analog signal: to put it simply, it is a continuous signal, that is, it is sent continuously; digital signal: it is a discrete signal, and the simple point is discontinuous.
According to the function of use, it can be divided into: GPU, CPU, FPGA, DSP, ASIC, SOC;
Classified according to different application scenarios: civilian grade (consumer grade), industrial grade, automotive grade, military grade, aerospace grade;
The above are the types of chips.