Integrated circuits are manufactured through semiconductor technology, thin-film technology, and post-thin-film technology, and are designed to miniaturize certain functional circuits in a certain packaging circuit form. Chips are a general term for semiconductor component products, and are carriers of integrated circuits that are divided from wafers. A semiconductor is a substance between a good conductor and a bad conductor. Chip is the abbreviation of integrated circuit. In fact, the real meaning of chip refers to a semiconductor chip in the integrated circuit package, that is, the die. Strictly speaking, chips and integrated circuits are completely different things and cannot be interchanged.
The production methods of integrated circuits and chips are different. Integrated circuits use a certain process to connect the transistors, resistors, capacitors, and inductance components and wiring required in the circuit, on a small or several small semiconductor chips or on the dielectric chip, and then sealed in the package. The chip uses a stand-alone wafer as the base layer, and then uses lithography mixing, CMP and other technologies to make components such as MOSET or BJT, and then uses thin film or CMP technology to make wires to complete the chip.
The emphasis between integrated circuits and chips is also different. Integrated circuits refer to the interconnection of active and passive components that make up a circuit on a semiconductor substrate or an insulating substrate, thereby forming an internal example electronic circuit with a closely related structure. . Integrated circuits can be divided into semiconductor integrated circuits, integrated circuits and hybrid integrated circuits. A chip usually refers to a square thing visible to the naked eye, covered with many small feet, or invisible feet. The chip also includes various chips, such as baseband or voltage conversion.
All in all, the relationship between integrated circuits and chips is very close, but the difference is also very obvious.