Integrated circuit is abbreviated as IC. As the name implies, it is a circuit with specific functions that integrates a certain number of commonly used electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc., and the connections between these components, through semiconductor technology. It is a new type of semiconductor device developed from the late 1950s to the 1960s. It is a semiconductor manufacturing process such as oxidation, photolithography, diffusion, epitaxy, aluminum evaporation, etc., which integrates semiconductors, resistors, capacitors and other components required to form a circuit with certain functions and the connecting wires between them into a small piece of silicon. on-chip, and then solder the electronics packaged in a package. Its packaging shell has various forms such as round shell type, flat type or dual in-line type. Integrated circuit technology includes chip manufacturing technology and design technology, which is mainly reflected in the capabilities of processing equipment, processing technology, packaging and testing, mass production and design innovation.